Upcoming Features Todo List

Hi, Admin.

Can we include a Disciplinary Section? because tracking violators in the firm is very crucial to the organization.
My Suggestion would be; there would be a subsection with the title “Notice to Explain” (Meaning employees who are requested to explain their side in the certain period of time). “Decision” (workers who have already been explained and need to be alerted about the decision, including those you haven’t explained, or the Time given is about to expire or has expired) will assist users in disciplining them and maintaining peace and order.

Thank you for your great work!


Performance management is a feature that I am planning to develop, therefore I am happy that you raised this issue.

To help me better understand your need, can you give me an example use case to illustrate how and when to access the features like “Notice to Explain”? For instance, employee A does what, then what happens, then employee A is required to do what, and what happens after that and eventually what is the outcome etc.

:slight_smile: ,

When there is a violation/incident, we require the employee to file an Incident Report, and based on that, we as HR will investigate the occurrence to determine which rules were violated and then draft a letter with the claimed charges as a memorandum Notice to Explain. The employee will then be given it (for a period of 5 days or less, depending on the gravity of the violation).
To illustrate, there must be an option:

Employee’s Name (Will Be Selected from Employee Management), Infraction (Violation Committed).
2.Date Encoded
3. Violation Date (Sometimes it will be long period of time such as AWOL)
5.Date of explanation (How long will you give him a time to explain). I hope it will also appear in the Home to see what Notices will be about to expire.

Once he already explain,(Sometimes an employee won’t submit explanation)I hope there would also an option submitted or not submitted.

  1. Date of explanation submitted
  2. Decision: Verbal Warning, Written Warning, Harsh Warning, Reprimand, Suspension (Choose How Many Days or Calendar Picker) or to be Scheduled Option), Dismissal.
  3. Violation Committed in Description
  4. Remarks
    Processes mentioned above are the due process of law in the PH.
    I hope this will help!

Before I ask further questions on the fields of the Notices, just wanted to know what about the reporting of incident?

Do you need a module for employees to report such violation incidents by other employees?

Yes it would be great if you can add it :slight_smile:

If so, can you roughly describe what are the details that should be in that report?

Incident Report: Composed of Who are the person involved? What Happened? When did it happened? Where did it happen?

May I know what does it mean with “an option submitted or not submitted”?

Okay :slight_smile: An employee submitted his explanation / An Employee did not Submit Explanation options.
I’m sorry for confusion

Is it a field to indicate the status whether the employee submitted his explanation or not?

yes it has because there is also another violation by not responding to official communication of the company “Insubordination”. then also it means you waive your right to be heard.

Regarding the fields in Notice to Explain,

Is this a date range? i.e. From date to date?

Is time required sometimes? such as by what time, or just date will do?

Regarding Notice of Decision, is this an official investigation result?

Are these decisions editable and append-able by users?

What does this decision mean?

1.yes date to date
2.just a date to date will do, yes official investigation result
3.just 1 decision per case so it will just like list option.
4. If the option is suspension or dismissal. The HR will have an option when to schedule it

Do you mean that for the Deadline of explanation, a date field will do, no time is needed, right?

I know, but should the options in the list be editable, or append-able by users?

Sorry, I am confused with this. If there is only one decision per case, and the decision is suspension, how do you indicate “to be Scheduled Option”?

-Time is not necessary

  • yes editable. And appendable
    — yes if the employee is suspended there must be an option when will be the suspension be effective (ranges).

Hi, thanks for this. I have been going through this after finding it yesterday and find that it is amazing and so hidden compared to the other… trash out there.

Is there anything in the pipelines to issue and monitor disciplinary proceedings?

That means “to be Scheduled Option” is not actually an option, but extra fields for effective ranges?

Hi, it depends how complete the information that I need could be gathered.

If all the details could be communicated to me, I think it would be pretty soon.

Yes it is, if the user chooses suspension :slight_smile:

-Question: can I modified the sort function on Employee management by last name basis?

Sorry, I am quite confused on this one, can you give me an example?
