Hi Kepchew,
Thank you for your explanation, I do agreed with you, this is all about employee discipline and punctual issue, we as an employee are required to follow the policy we had signed during offer, meantime, as an employer, we always can use company policy to punish them.
Honestly, the above method not going to work on today (Year 2023), new generation tolerate level are very low, not the same as elder then 90an anymore, for your info we are from Malaysia, I not sure how and why this kind unhealthy trend started, but this seem after this global pandemic the entire culture changed, they (staff) totally not care or cherish the jobs employment they got offered, if they not happy, they just MIA (missing in actions) they not even care about the consequence neither their employment or their reputation whatsoever, they only care how much wages they getting.
On perspective of operation side, we still need people to taking care on the assigned task, now days resources are limited, candidate are difficult to match with needs, therefore, we have to minimizing the the punishment’s. Hence, we need some useful tools to handle the employee in order for them to keep servicing, but not totally lost it, and here applied the apps features and functions.
Last but not lease, we appreciate Kepchew and the team may take up the considerate to add-in this clock in/out reminder features (like outlook meeting, zoom meeting, remind 15 and 30 min before start, for time clock end we just required to remind before work and after work, no need to have separate switch or customize the time to trigger, just tie with the require time clock attendance employee to simplified your customization), at lease we had offered whatever we can, whenever employee want to challenge, we still have something to show.
once again, appreciate in advance.
best regards,