The Quickest Way to Implement and Get Result

As offers comprehensive features that cover different aspects of your daily human resource management needs, new users may find it a bit overwhelming at first.

Don’t worry, once you follow this simple guide, you will see happy results in the shortest amount of time:

  1. It is highly recommended that new users start with Document Workflow module, which is a module that’s rather straight forward and closely used in day-to-day employee management

  2. Document Workflow module is a flexible tool to help adapting your paper forms into digital forms online, and it is supported with an Approval Workflow to replace the need to circulate paper forms around the office for approvals from different levels of management.

  3. Picking one of your most frequently used forms (e.g. Stationery Request form), which preferably has the least information to fill in would make your first implementation a breeze

  4. Prerequisite: Depending on your existing workflow, it is strongly encouraged to add a few employee records first, then invite these employees to sign up their Web Accounts. Some of the employees may need to be assigned certain managerial roles in order to review the submitted form.

  5. Go to Document Workflow → Approval Workflow to start designing your form and set the approval routing. You may take a look at this video on how form designing works: Working with Custom Fields

  6. For form submission, you have 2 alternatives:

    • Submit as an employee: Login a Test Employee account. Go to Document Workflow → Submission, click at the yellow + button to submit your first form for approval
    • Submit as Admin or HR Role: Login as Admin. Go to Document Workflow → Management, click at Select Employee to submit on behalf of that selected employee. Then click at the yellow + button to submit the selected employee’s first form for approval
  7. For approval, you have 2 alternatives:

    • Review as a manager: Login a Test Manager account. Go to Document Workflow → Review, click at the newly submitted record, then click at the orange button on the upper right corner to either Approve or Decline the form
    • Review as Admin or HR Role: Login as Admin. Go to Document Workflow → Review, click at the newly submitted record, then change the Status from Pending ApprovalApproved
  8. Congratulations!!! You have successfully completed the whole process of Document Workflow when you reach here

  9. When you have successfully adapted one of your most used forms into online digital form, you may start adapting other paper forms to support their existing workflows

  10. After familiarising yourself with how Document Workflow works, you could easily apply this knowledge to other modules and start expanding your implementation module by module

  11. To complete your knowledge and skills on using, you are encouraged to visit the online user guide for more details: Online HR Software :: Get Started with My HR Employee Management Software