Not getting an email for export report..where i can see the report. Please help

Hi. I am not getting an email for the export report of attendance. Its just showing my export report is ready in app but i am not receiving the report or any email. Thanks

You may visit this topic: Troubleshooting Email Notification Issues

Hi. Thank you so much for replying. I am receiving all other emails from even i tried downloading data export report and the email and report came out fine. Just the time clock report has an issue i am getting the notification on but no email and way to download it. Please help!

  1. I have tested, there is no problem with email notification for Time Clock Report.
  2. You may want to check your spam folder in this case, or check with your email server admin to confirm if the spam filter is too aggressive.

I checked spam folder and email server admin setting nothing is blocking the mail even the spam setting is set to zero to test but still no access to email. Please there must be some issue i need to submit time report every month. Help!!

If you can share screenshot of your settings related to this, then it might be easier for others to help.

I think you have misunderstood the message of “email notification for Time Clock Report”. It’s only a NOTIFICATION to tell you that you report has been successfully generated, it’s NOT THE REPORT ITSELF.

You may find the report via Team->Document & File Sharing.

Last month (16 Aug) i did receive email notification once report was ready. After posting my previous comment, I applied for an attendance report, then there was a msg saying there will be an email notification once the report is ready. This time I have not received any email notification, but just now I check the Team->Document & File Sharing, the report is there. Recently, I did change my email notification settings to receive only critical notifications. Maybe that’s why i did not receive the notification this time.
So i think, its good if you remove that msg that says there will be an email notification, instead you can write there “once ready the report will be there in Team->Document & File Sharing” or something similar.

Actually the message means to say that:

  1. Your export was successful, and it’s at Team->Document & File Sharing
  2. However, if it fails, the failure will also be in the email message too

That’s why I couldn’t use your suggested message either.

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Thank you Amjad and Kapchew i did found the report in Team-Document & File sharing. I never knew where to look for the report as i never got the instructions. Thank you once again!