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And as for my example, I know it was a bit exaggerated But I only did it with the aim of exemplifying the idea. And I know you may have few users of this type, but you’d be surprised by the fact that I’m auditing your software because a customer, who saw your app in two of the non-profit organizations he sponsors, was impressed, and asked me to review the website with the goal of migrating his other companies to your platform if feasible. And I think you implement this option and some more would have a great possibility for bookkeepers and pay roll agents to use your system. And last but not least, I would like to thank you for your answers, I know it is difficult for a person to answer questions from the forum.

  1. Actually implementing this is not difficult, I could just remove the restrictions imposed on Manager role now.

  2. Or I could introduce another system role which is between Admin and Manager.

  3. Even so, I will still restrict the account ownership change to the Admin only, i.e. the account holder.

Dear Sirs,

May i know can you export txt file for Socso?
then we can upload to socso

This will be supported later.

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I agree with nr1 - an employee might take 2 days but day 1 would be half. So perhaps an option to change the amount of days to 1.5. There’s no way at the moment that we can select which of the 2 days are half - it deducts half from both days.

Hi Kap Chew

how can i add figure BIK together with salary, therefore can calculate the pcb contribution

the figure BIK only to insert in for calculation of tax

  1. Can you provide a calculation example?

  2. Do you mean BIK is for tax calculation only, but not to be included in the gross salary?

Hi Kap Chew

if now using the system :
Salary - deduct employee part epf /socso/eis/TAX
13500 -1485-24.75-9.90-1804.20 = 10176.15 ( net salary )

but i need to ADD BIK figure 1700

which mean salary 13500 + BIK 1700 (but this 1700 will not paid out to staff), then only process to calculate epf/socso/eis & TAX


  1. That means the BIK 1700 is to be added to 13500 = 15200, then use this figure to calculate EPF, SOCSO, EIS and Tax, but still show net salary as 13500 - (EPF, SOCSO, EIS and Tax)?

  2. Do you need to show BIK in payslip?

Hi Kap Chew,

  1. yes after added = 15200, the BIK 1700 NO NEED calculate epf/socso/eis,
    only salary 13500 calculate epf/socso/eis
    **1700 only calculate pcb, i cant find any to work on this

  2. yes

Since BIK can be either taxable or tax-exempt, what if I provide a new BIK option in Payroll->Earning, and you get to choose whether it is subject to tax or not, then after calculation, I will show the item in the Earning section of Payslip, but exclude it from the total salary?

Is it ok?

Dear Kapchew, highly appreciated your latest update, is it possible to also update approver from 3 to 6 for document workflow?

O, ok, no problem.

Dear Kap Chew,

can try see see , any sample for me to view

Just imagine that there is a new BIK option in Payroll->Earning. Selecting this option will exclude the Earning item from Gross Salary, but it will still be used in any of the Statutory calculation if those options are selected, such as Tax etc.

Can we get a summary report for the attendance module. We need for each employee, how many days they were present, how many days they were absent, total overtime for the month, total late duration for the month. Currently we are downloading it to Excel and doing all the above calculation using Excel manually.

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May be at a later stage.

I would like to manually key in PCB amount

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