Staff unable to see the entitlement leave

Dear Support Team

I had setup individual annual leave. When I login as employee, I unable to create the leave application. The reason is I did not create the entitlement leave but I already did.

Which of the step that I miss out? Please guide. Now all the staff unable to apply leave

Thank you


no one reply? i also have this problem

  1. DO NOT cross post multiple times with the same topic. I have removed 2 other post from you.
  2. There are several reasons that you do not see the entitlements:
  • is your employee signing in the correct account?
  • did you assign to the correct employee?
  • is your employee choosing the correct Entitlement Year?

• Correct account
• Assign to correct employee
• Correct Entitled year

Please show the screenshots below:

  1. In your uploaded screen, click at the Account icon on the upper right corner, capture a screen.
  2. In the Employer account, Leave->Management, select the employee and capture a screen.
  3. In Employee->Web Account->Enabled, capture a screen.