Probation period

In my organization, we give 6 months probationary period for new employees. I want suggest that the column for end of probation should rather be a drop down menu having one month probation, 3 months probation, 6 months, one year etc. Which will automatically generate the actual date to end the probation.

This is complicated. Some employers may have 6 weeks probation etc.

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I agree with @kapchew. But i think what we can do is in addition to the date selection, give options like you have in salary, where we can choose salary by month or week etc.
and also put an option for a default. so, a company can choose 6 months probations as default for example.

Extra options may be convenient, but may also be confusing to other users.

I am already overwhelmed by the user support now, adding such trivial option does not necessarily improve user experience, but will surely increase my burden on support

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