Leave Features - Change HR Role

hi, we are facing a problem that when changing HR role from employee A to employee B. the function is not working.

The HR specialist is set to be the final approver. Employee B recently has been assigned as HR specialist. however, he can login in via HR role account and modify the leave. but when he login in via Employee’s account, he can’t see the leave applications under Leave> Review for approval. the applications are still showing in Employee A’ account (even A login in via Employee’s account).

We changed the HR role from A to B several month ago when A is on leave. the function worked. but now, it doesn’t work.

could you please help? thank you

You have mixed up HR Role with Custom Role.

HR Role is for managing the HR features on behalf of the Employer, therefore you MUST login via Employer tab.

Custom Role is for approval workflows and you must login via Employee tab.

You may visit the online user guide for more information.

Thank you for your clarification.

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