Incident Management

I have always wanted to work on Performance Appraisal, but unfortunately I could not have a complete picture about this feature yet. Many discussions about Performance Appraisal did not end up with sufficient information for me to start the design, such as this one: Upcoming Features Todo List - #116 by kapchew

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Hi @kapchew , Please see picture and the note I have drawn. my question is the #1 bracket has 2 is subject for SUSPENSION and #2 Bracket is for FINE. can we link those bracketed violation in to one new violation?

Sorry, I don’t quite understand what you mean, can you illustrate with more details?

Suppose an employee committed their first offense on January 3, which was AWOL (absent without leave). For this violation, the employer issued a warning for suspension. Then, on January 9, the same employee committed a second offense, which was another instance of AWOL. As a result, the employer issued a suspension.

The question then arises of how to treat the first offense in relation to the second offense, in order to arrive at the decision to issue a suspension. In this case, it seems that the employer decided to treat the two instances of AWOL as a single violation, and imposed a suspension as the sanction. This approach allowed the employer to simplify the process of tracking and enforcing workplace rules and sanctions.


I see.

What if I provide one more tab in the Incident window, where you may check “Similar” incidents, i.e. incidents of the same type?

This way when you are viewing the 3 Jan incident, it will show the 9 Jan incident in the “Similar” tab, while you view the 9 Jan incident, the 3 Jan incident will appear in the “Similar” tab.

More something like a milestone. And then we can you it for Performance appraisal. You close to developing the Appraisal because I see a “praise” on the list

Er… sorry that I don’t get your entire message. Can you explain with more details?

Sorry for the confusion, to explain details; 1. When I make an entry. Maybe you add an option where I can append an existing violation.

Isn’t it very tedious?

What if I provide a summary view with the count of each incident type? such as:

Misconduct: 3 counts
Accident: 2 counts

does it meet your need?

Maybe like this…

For this, I suggest that there is a different tab when you click in, that shows “Similar” incidents.

Kindly refer to what I explained here: Incident Management - #8 by kapchew

okay so this is what you meant… I have something in mind but I can’t picture it out yet maybe I will suggest it to you later. :slight_smile: thank you

Er… it’s better that you tell me what you have in mind now, as once I started work on the design, there is no turning back, that means it’s very hard to change later as the cost is very expensive.

Actually, you just have to focus on what you “NEED” and I will try to tell you possible solutions, and you evaluate if that solution could work for your “NEED”.

For instance, Incident Management - #8 by kapchew

Does this solution allow you to know how many offences an employee commits? From my perspective it should work, and it takes away the manual grouping work from users like what you suggested.

hmm… What I need is

  1. Report Section Monthly, Quarterly and Yearly
  2. Investigation section I need an explanation just like story, date explained. and an attachment so I could take a photo of the explanation from the letter and attached.
  3. please include it in alert on the Home
    I guess that’s it. Thank you for you great work.

Have you tried out the investigation feature? I think it already serves your need.

This is the idea that I am talking about:

This incident will show 2 related incidents which are of the exact type, i.e. AWOL

yes this good. and also , I just want to point out this;

This completely another violation if committed that is why I need also to append existing violations

Sorry, I don’t quite understand this, can you explain further?

It says that. If an employee is given warning or suspension in different violation there is corresponding sanctions. As per the image above

Ex. If I have given Warning on AWOL, Warning on Negligence, and warning on Loitering. It corresponds to suspension of 5 days. And so on