How to upload HR letter to employee in


how can i upload HR letter to employee, such as confirmation letter, warning letter, termination letter, letter of acceptance of resignation…etc.

Please advise.

thank you.


You may use Team->Document & File Sharing, then select the specified employee.

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oh great, got it, thank you very much!

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one more question, after i sent the document thru team->document & file sharing, can the employee receive the notification in their email? because i tried just now, but seems the employee did not receive email, he can only get the letter when he log in

prefer employee can receive notification in email too, pls advise how, tq.

Email notification is not supported yet, may be at a later stage.

oic, noted that.

Yes, if can, please help to improve this by add on the email notification feature, this will help improve and smoothen HR process.

Thank you.

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Noted with thanks.

hi, just to follow up, will the email notification feature for ‘document & form sharing’ soon to be launched in

your consideration for adding this new feature is appreciated.

thanks in advance.


I will add this feature, but I am not sure how soon as I am currently working on other features.

Hi, appreciate if you can speed up the process to add email notification once document shared to employees. I find this is essential, especially when i share the increment letter, warning letter etc to the selected employee.

thank you.

Noted with thanks.

Hi, may i know will you improve this features which is to send notification to the selected employee when i upload document to him/her?

appreciate your help to expedite this.

thank you.

Yes, will look into this when I am free later.