for example, the time in and out of this employee is wrong. the in should be out, while the out should be in. i was able to add the correct time but how can i delete the wrong time? or is there a way to just modify the time instead of adding new records and deleting the old one? thanks
Attendance record can only be added, but cannot be modified.
How about deleting the wrong one?
Delete the Attendance transaction record.
Attendance record can only be ADDED, but cannot be MODIFIED.
Hello, I have this exact same issue and it is a huge problem for me, it is the only issue I have with For example, I forgot to check in one day and it only let me check in when I was checking out; so I double clicked, one for check in and one for check out, hoping to later add the correct check in and remove the wrong check in. However, I could add the correct check in but NOT remove que wrong one, and in the total work hours field, it doesn’t show the correct number. What can I do to remove a wrong record?
If you forget check in, don’t check out at all.
Just ask your HR to add both records for you. Since you already missed the check-in, and your HR must do the manual check-in for you already.
To allow such wilfully wrong check in by employee then check out immediately, then to ask HR to delete the wrong check-in and add a correct one, does not make sense at all.
What i do (as admin) is delete all the attendance records for that day. and add the correct in-out times.
Fun fact; As an admin, this time correction is the most repeated task that i currently do in . I wish there is an easier way
Any suggestion?
In every other system I’ve worked with, it is possible to delete, or at least deactivate, a wrong time record. I don’t understand why it cannot be in… it’s the one and only thing that is making me think of using another app, because it is a huge issue.
There are also other apps that let the own employee to fix their own records, adding the correct ones (always being registered that they did it and when, of course, to prevent framing). That is a huge time saver, even if it is HR administrator who has to validate each time record change request.
I really hope this can be solved, because it is the only issue of!
I saw other apps that allow some level of flexibility in this area. I think first and foremost;
- the admin should be able to edit the in-out time.
- the admin should be able to add missing punch in-out.
at the moment admin has to delete the whole record and enter the correct data.
Some apps do have the ability for the staff to input correct time, in those cases it will record the actual time the staff made that request and will go to the admin for approval. But in this app i am hesitant to recommend it because my email is already bombarded with leave application reviews and approvals. There no way i can switch off the email notifications.
Anyways what you made is also a valid point, that what’s the use of recording punch time if we give too much flexibility that anybody can do anything. We have to keep a balance here.
I am considering to provide an option to turn off email notifications.
There is now, please check
Nice. “only critical”; what kind of notification these include? just curious, no big deal here.
Such as when Approver is not assigned in a workflow.
Admin will still be notified, because there may be no other users who are able to rectify in this case, especially if no relevant HR Role is assigned to overlooked that workflow.