How to add statutory payment number, approved & received signature, payment date

Hi, it seems payslip does not follows the Malaysia Labour Act, even when key in the profile few details are not appear to the payslip when generated. How to add statutory payment number, approved & received signature, payment date ? Anyone can help?

Can you point me to the clause in Malaysia Labour Act that specifies what to display in a payslip?

Attached here is the sample, one with the red circle are the one need to be added into payslip, I attached the requirement by the Labour act as well here.

Kindly update me on how to add. Thanks

Can you give me the url to the requirement?

Here you go Chew, … url

This is NOT a government website, only another payroll software website. I don’t see any credibility in assuming that is the requirement of Malaysia Labour Act.

Kindly point me to the official requirements by Malaysia Labour Act as claimed by you.

Please DO NOT post other payroll vendor’s link here.

My apologies, i’ve deleted it