How long does it takes to processing the payslip. Im stuck since yesterday

You have not even started processing it.

Your screen shows that you are still at the employee selection page. There is one more step to go.

Click at the left arrow button on the upper left corner, then click at the green check button on the upper right corner of the next screen to start processing.

Thanks for the respond. I passed that step. How about this. My statuary not calculate in the payslip

Have you setup your “Statutory Contribution”? send a screen shot of that.

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Yes i have. But maybe i don’t click something and its stuck

In Management->Employee, under Salary tab, have you changed the EPF contribution option?

Why your basic salary is 0? Can you put some value in it and check?

We dont have basic salary. All employees salary count by day. How

Just for checking purpose. Can you write some amount as basic salary and try if that works?

If your employee is based on hourly rate income, you should use Earnings to process their income.

Can i get the explanation on how I should do?
In my screenshot, i already made the payroll using earning and count by daily. But the epf not auto mention in the payroll

You have to check if you

  1. uncheck the EPF option of the earning items
  2. set the EPF contribution option correctly in Employee->Management

I unchecked the EPF option of earning items & set the epf contribution option in employee > management. I also change from statutory from gross income % to statutory table but the epf detail still not appear.

You need to CHECK the EPF option of earning items if you want it to be included for EPF calculation.

Nothing happen. I tried both. It is check 1st, then i unchecked after your suggestion. Then i check again.

My test: