Is there anyway to have the holidays running from middle of one year to the middle of the following? My company run an April to March holiday schedule.
Sure. Even though you must set up leave entitlement according to leave entitlement year, but for leave entitlements, you may decide when it starts and ends.
May I ask why you have set leave entitlement by calendar year? Is it the norm in your area? Here the leave entitlements depend on the joined date.
What do you mean?
I was referring to this statement.
Please refer to the user guide for more details.
i asked why you set it up like that.
Sorry, this is not the way I handle support. I only answer questions related to the platform, not otherwise.
i think you misunderstood my question. “May I ask why you have set leave entitlement by calendar year? Is it the norm in your area? Here the leave entitlements depend on the joined date”
So far i have not seen anyone here saying they have leave entitlement by Calander year. but is designed in that way. So i thought maybe some areas in the world their labor laws may state leave entitlements should be for Calander year, not by joined date.
i am just curious here, nothing else.