Hi can we extract csv file for document workflow? I want have list of document approved, like overtime or stationary but in list or excel view.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thank you so much in advance
Hi can we extract csv file for document workflow? I want have list of document approved, like overtime or stationary but in list or excel view.
Do you have any suggestion?
Thank you so much in advance
Sorry, what do you mean with:
I need a list for approved in document workflow form, and it was a little bit a struggle to check it one by one. Could we have a download feature for all document workflow submitted in one month, with excel type. Just like the attendace, thank you
Sorry, I still don’t understand what you need. Can you give me an example?
Thank you so much for responding.
Example: Doc. Workflow → Custom Form. Permission to came late
Employee AA submit several Form. Permission to came late in month September.
As an HR, i want to take excel recap for Employee AA in month Septmber.
Because it will affect his/her salary
If I understand you correctly, you needed a summary report for Document Workflow by employees?
Yes thats what I am saying. I am Sorry english is not my first language.
Can you give me a sample report format?