June 29, 2023, 3:31am
Hello team,
We have a Use Case below where there are Two (2) Approvers in the approval sequence.
Scenario: Timesheet Review
1st Approver (Employee Project Manager) - APPROVED!
2nd Approver (Client Project Manager) - REJECTED!
Using the Use Case above, we noticed that if the 2nd approver declined/rejected the request of the Employee, it didn’t notify the 1st approver.
Can you help us with this? We want also to notify the 1st approver if ever the 2nd approver declines/rejects a certain request.
Er… why do you need to do so?
June 29, 2023, 4:42am
This is to notify the previous approver/s that the document that he/she approved was declined by the next approver/s.
I know, but why do you need to notify the previous approver?
June 29, 2023, 9:39am
This is primarily to inform the prior approver that the approval request was refused by the approvers who came after her or him.
Additionally, to quickly inform the prior approver of the reason the request was rejected by the other approver.
June 29, 2023, 10:01am
Please advise if this feature will be also considered. So I will also inform my colleague.
It may be considered, but I don’t have time for it yet. Perhaps it may take quite some time as this is not something I consider the most urgent things to do yet.
June 30, 2023, 1:43am
Noted on this. Thanks Kapchew!
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