Crowdfund and contact person?


We attempted to update our crowdfunding from USD60 yearly to USD300 yearly; however, we encountered difficulties in the process. Should we cancel our existing sponsorship? Additionally, how can we directly contact the team?


Thanks for your support. Sorry that I have not yet supported the change of sponsorship count yet. For now you will need to cancel existing sponsorship in order to change to a different sponsorship count.

Sorry for the inconvenience caused.

Thank you for your response. If we were to cancel the subscription now, would our existing users be affected? We are currently actively using it. I appreciate your further assistance/guidance on this matter.

If you cancel your sponsorship, it will become inactive but “VALID” sponsorship till the end of the period.

In other words, if your current sponsorship is from 1 Jan 2023 till 31 Dec 2023 and if you don’t cancel it, it will try to auto renew at 1 Jan 2024 because it is still an active sponsorship.

However, let’s say if you cancel it at 1 Oct 2023, then it will become inactive and will not auto renew at 1 Jan 2024 any more. But your sponsorship still remains valid till 31 Dec 2023 and all extra benefits will not be affected till 31 Dec 2023.

Thank you for the clarification regarding the sponsorship renewal process. I appreciate the information.

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