Changed email for main account


My email cannot use for log in. That one is the main account. Now when i try to log in, send verification code to that email. So i cannot received the code.

So how can i changed that email? Is there any support can help me?

You will need to login your account in order to change the registered email address.

Kindly note that changing registered email address will also require you verify the original email address.

Therefore if you can no longer access your original email address, your account can no longer be accessed any more.


i already recovered my email. but email verification from don’t received. others email i try to send in, settle. how ya to settle?

Check with your email administrator why you could not receive email. This is your email administrator problem.


We were able to recover our admin email. However, I could not find where to change the admin email in HR.My. Can you guide me through?

Thanks in advance!

Click at the upper right corner (the Account icon), then click Change Registered Email.

Hi @kapchew,

I will just reopen this issue. We had an expired domain problem and the new admin email can’t be accessed because of that. Is there a way for you to just turn off the Verification Code so we can do payroll process?