Cannot signing my account

Hello, Im currently having issues with an account of my company. Every time I tried to access Hr.My shows me a red alert saying " Please check your login credentials". If your login credentials are correct, did you try to sign in your Employee Web Account ? If you want to sign in as Administrator , please click Administrator tab.

I have tried both and none is working. I have also tried changing the account password, deleting the account and inviting again etc. None of these solutions seem to work.

Can you please help me to reset this account and start from scratch?


If you encounter this message, that only means:

  1. either your email address is incorrect or
  2. your password is incorrect or
  3. you are trying to sign in the wrong account type, for instance instead of signing in as Employee, you try to sign in as Employer


  1. The email address is not incorrect. I have checked under my administrator account and is right.
  2. I have also reset the password, sending the new one to the email address ( which means the address is correct).
  3. I have tried to enter the account and there is a loop of messages as follows:

a. " Your Administrator has disabled your Employee Account, kindly contact your Administrator for more details"

b. Once in the admin account, I go to the account with issues, and says " Employee Web Account not signed up yet". I have invited the account to join once again.

c. " xxaccount is already signed up with another Employee Web Account under the SAME Employer. You can only use “xxaccount” for different Employers."

d. “xxaccount” has already been used to sign up an Employee Web Account with another Employer.

You may still use “xxaccount” to sign up with your curent Employer, which allows you to consolidate multiple Employee Web Accounts with different Employers using SINGLE email adress"

Do you want to proceed signing up for the new Employee Web Account with “xxaccount” ? I pressed YES, but still not working.

It might be an issue when i changed the name of the company ( from SpA to Limited), so Hr-my thinks they are different companies? The xxaccount was active before.


No, you must have another employee record (you could check in the Disabled tab in Web Account) from the SAME company that is associated with the same email address.

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Thank you! It worked!

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