Cannot approve leave even though it is already approved. Stuck at pending

I was just testing the leave when i was able to approve the persons leave but it still writes pending and need another person to approve it even though we only have 1 of them in the workflow which is the HR person themselves(me). it works on the medical leave but it does not work for the annual leave. I can approve the medical leave because it shows green and its approved. But for annual leave it still shows yellow and pending even though i have already approve the leave.

There are many reasons for this, ESPECIALLY FOR SOMEONE TESTING.

  1. You may have switched the approval workflow for your employee from A to B, where A has 2 levels and B has only 1 level of approval, and you did the same process to the leave like (1) above. If this the case, just reset the leave back to pending and redo the approval.

  2. You may have assigned 2nd level approval to someone without a web account, and yet your email account could not receive the system generated warning email regarding this problem… etc. etc.

Therefore kindly visit the online user guide to learn how it works so that you will understand how to get your expected result.