Assistance Needed in Implementing Revised Annual Leave Conditions on

Greetings Community,

I am reaching out to seek your valuable assistance in implementing the revised annual leave conditions for each employee in our company’s account. We believe that these changes will better align with our company’s policy and promote employee commitment and productivity.

Here are the proposed conditions that we would like to implement:

  1. Employees with a service period of less than 5 years from their starting date should be granted 14 days of annual leave per year.
  2. Employees with a service period exceeding 5 years from their starting date should be entitled to 21 days of annual leave per year, commencing from the 5-year mark of their seniority.

We kindly request your guidance and support in making these adjustments within the system. We believe that integrating these revised leave conditions will contribute to a more efficient and transparent leave management process.

We would appreciate it if you could provide step-by-step instructions on how to implement these changes in or any additional assistance required from our end to facilitate the process. Our goal is to ensure a seamless transition and accurate recording of annual leave entitlements for our employees.

Thank you in advance for your support and cooperation in this matter. Your expertise and guidance will be invaluable in successfully implementing the revised annual leave conditions on We eagerly await your response and look forward to a positive outcome.

Best regards,

Sorry, I don’t know what you are asking for.

In the Leave Management module, you are free to assign entitlements to your employees, that’s why I don’t understand why do you need to raise this question.

Can you tell me more specifically what problem you are facing now?

I apologize for any confusion caused by my previous communication. I would like to provide further clarification regarding our request to modify the annual leave conditions in our company’s account.

Currently, we are seeking guidance on how to assign the revised annual leave entitlements to our employees within the Leave Management module. Our intention is to ensure that the system accurately reflects the updated leave policy, as mentioned in our previous messages.

To summarize, we are looking for assistance in the following areas:

  1. How to assign 14 days/year of annual leave to employees with a service period of less than 5 years from their starting date.
  2. How to assign 21 days/year of annual leave to employees with a service period exceeding 5 years, beginning from the 5-year mark of their seniority.

We kindly request your expertise in providing step-by-step instructions or guidance on how to make these changes effectively in the system. By aligning the system with our revised leave policy, we aim to streamline the leave management process and ensure accurate tracking of employee entitlements.

Your support and clarification in this matter are greatly appreciated. We apologize for any inconvenience caused and look forward to receiving your guidance to successfully implement the revised annual leave conditions on

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best regards

If you need to know how to assign entitlements to your employee, you may visit the online user guide: Leave Management :: e-Leave (Paperless Leave Management System)

I appreciate your previous response and guidance. I have thoroughly reviewed the online user guide for the Leave Management module and understand the general process of assigning entitlements to employees. However, I am seeking further clarification on how to set automatic entitlements based on an employee’s starting date.

Specifically, I would like to know if it is possible to configure the system to automatically assign entitlements as follows:

  1. If an employee’s starting date until today is less than 5 years, they should be allocated 14 days of annual leave entitlement.
  2. If an employee’s starting date until today exceeds 5 years, they should be allocated 21 days of annual leave entitlement after completing their first 5 years of service.

Is there a way to implement this logic using conditional statements or any other functionality within the system? It would be greatly beneficial if the system could automatically calculate and assign the appropriate entitlements based on an employee’s starting date.

I would greatly appreciate any guidance or instructions you can provide to help us configure the system to automate the entitlement calculation process based on employee start dates. This would significantly improve the efficiency and accuracy of our leave management procedures.

Thank you for your attention and assistance in this matter. I look forward to your response.

Best regards,

If you mean “automatically assign entitlements”, this is not supported yet, but it’s already in my plan, just that I can’t find the time to implement yet.

Thank you for your response and providing information about the current capabilities of the system. We understand that automatic entitlement assignment is not yet supported but is on your plan for future implementation.

As a company heavily reliant on the system for our leave management needs, we kindly request your assistance in prioritizing the implementation of the automatic entitlement assignment feature. It is an essential functionality that aligns with our company’s policy and requirements.

The ability to automatically calculate and assign entitlements based on an employee’s starting date would greatly enhance our leave management processes and improve the efficiency of our HR team.

We understand that you have a busy schedule, but we would greatly appreciate any efforts to expedite the implementation of this feature. It would be of immense value to us and many other users within the community.

Thank you for your attention and consideration. We eagerly await your response and hope for a positive resolution that benefits all users.

Best regards,

Noted with thanks.