Advance salary details in salary slip

Hi KapChew,

May I know whether can we add in a line inside salary slip on employee’s advance salary?

For example, they take advance salary of RM1,000 from company. Can it just be reflected on the salary slip, instead of deducted from the final salary amount?

For this employee, the basic salary is RM3,500. After all deductions, the final is RM3,089.15.

Can we add in details of the advance salary of RM1,000 instead of deducting from final amount in Net Salary? If I set the advance salary as deduction, it will deduct the amount.

Thanks & Regards,

Hi KJ,

Do you mean to add a loan record in the payslip without calculating it?

Hi KapChew,

Yes. Is it possible?

In that case it’s not supported yet, as no one requested for this before.

Is this the only use case?

For my case, this is ongoing every month. Difference is the number of employee’s asking for advance salary. Usually around 3 in a month.

For the time being, we will still be doing it manually


I will see what I can do later when I have more free time.

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Thank you very much :slight_smile:

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