Please see my explanation here: Admin Email is Deactivated - #6 by kapchew
To expand on it, assuming that YOU =, and you signed up an Employer account. Then suddenly someone claims to be YOU2 = sends an email to me and tells me that my assistance is needed to transfer the ownership of the account from to, reason being that YOU2 can no longer access email account.
If I DID that, here’s the problem:
If I am lucky, YOU2 is really YOU, then the transfer seems safe, everyone is happy. BUT, what about subsequently I receive another request claiming to be YOU again, shall I change the account ownership again?
What if YOU2 is not YOU, but an unhappy rogue employee from your organisation? What kind of disaster would it be if the account ownership is transferred to YOU2? What about your sensitive and private employees’ data such as salary, contact, historical records?
Unlike offline business such as banks, where you could bring your ID to open or close account, and the bank staff will be able to AUTHENTICATE you on the spot, there is no way that I could do the same online.
To me, your only ID is your registered email address, and even so, I have to be discreet so as not to be fooled by someone spoofing your email.
Therefore, to protect and safeguard all users’ data, I MUST NOT entertain any such requests to transfer account ownership manually, regardless of reasons.
Please understand that, all account ownership actions MUST BE PERFORMED BY THE ACTUAL OWNER. Therefore account creation, account ownership transfer, account closure are a SELF-SERVICE function. You will need to login your account, then click at the Account icon on the upper right corner, access Preferences menu to close your account. Once your account is closed, your data will be purged as well.
From your email:
Do you have an offsite manual workaround for changing admin users? The hosting provider has transitioned all our emails to the foundation’s domain. There appears to be a technical problem with our main domain. Turnaround time has been set to 7 days for the resolution. We need immediate assistance, however.
My understanding is that you should be able to resolve your domain problem in 7 days. You may login your account to close it once your hosting provider resolves your domain problem.
Rest assured that your financial info and payment cards are not stored in my system. They are actually encrypted and kept on the payment processor instead.
Lastly, don’t worry about the sponsorship, I have already cancelled it.