Error when inviting new employee


Now we’re unable to send invite to new employee, receiving the following email:

Undeliverable Sign Up Link

Dear Wealth Vantage Advisory Sdn. Bhd.,

The Sign Up Link for could not be delivered due to the following reason:

Amazon SES did not send the message to this address because it is on the suppression list for your account. For more information about removing addresses from the suppression list, see the Amazon SES Developer Guide at Using the Amazon SES account-level suppression list - Amazon Simple Email Service

Please correct the employee email address and try again.

Anything that we can do from our side? seems from the message, it’s like addressing to developer

  1. You have tried to send to the said invalid email address too many times, while each time it only caused bounce-back due to your mailbox problem.

  2. After several such attempts, the email service that I am using, i.e .Amazon SES automatically blocked it and place it under suppression list.

  3. Any invalid email address under suppression list will no longer receive further email, even if my app tries to ask SES to send again.

  4. Therefore, kindly use other email address to invite instead.

Hi Kapchew,

Thanks for the prompt response.

However, the email address has been sent after the email created.

Appreciate your kind assistance for this matter.

Thank You

Please use another email address.